ANSI X12 837P - 5010 2310D REF - Supervising Provider Secondary Identification

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Written by Mike

November 22, 2020

The 2310D REF Subscriber Supervising Provider Identification Segment is required when a secondary number is necessary to identify the provider.

The 5010 specifications for the REF segment can be found below as it pertains to the 2310D loop.

Sample 837P (5010) - 2310D REF - Supervising Provider Secondary Identification

> Supervising Provider Secondary Identification (2310D) REF*1B*AB123~

HIPAA Guide - 837P [5010]


Segment Field Name Definition
REF01Reference Identification Qualifier
0BState License Number
1GProvider UPIN Number
G2Provider Commercial Number
LULocation Number
REF02Reference Identification
[Supervising Provider Secondary Identifier]

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