ANSI X12 837P - 5010 2310D NM1 - Supervising Provider Name

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Written by Mike

November 22, 2020

The purpose of the 2310D NM1 Supervising Provider Name Loop is to supply the name and id of the supervising provider.

The 5010 specifications for the NM1 segment can be found below as it pertains to the 2310D loop.

Sample 837P (5010) - 2310D NM1 - Supervising Provider Name

> Supervising Provider Name (2310D) NM1*DQ*1*LAST*FIRST*M***XX*1234567893~

HIPAA Guide - 837P [5010]


Segment Field Name Definition
NM101Entity Identifier Code
DQSupervising Physician
NM102Entity Type Qualifier
NM103Name Last or Organization Name
[Supervising Provider Last Name]
NM104Name First
[Supervising Provider First Name]
NM105Name Middle
[Supervising Provider Middle Name or Initial]
NM106Name Prefix
NM107Name Suffix
[Supervising Provider Name Suffix]
NM108Identification Code Qualifier
XXCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services National Provider Identifier
NM109Identification Code
[Supervising Provider Identifier]
NM110Entity Relationship Code
NM111Entity Identifier Code
NM112Name Last or Organization Name

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